The season is upon us and the year is coming to a close. This means it is time to deck the halls for the holidays. While there are many traditional elements that can’t be swapped out – cue the Cornucopia and regulation Christmas Tree – there is plenty you can do to add your personal touch of magic this festive season.
If you are feeling extra festive this year, but not sure how to apply your own unique brand of holiday décor to your living space, we got you covered. Here are some highly attractive and budget-saving ideas to add cheer and charm to your living room this holiday season.
1. No Such Thing as “Too Many Ornaments”
Ornaments set the scene and they don’t all belong on the Christmas Tree or even in the month of December. As a matter of fact, the right ornaments will set the scene for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations.
The MORE the MERRIER. So, scatter your shelves and windowsills with frosted pine cones, laurels, pumpkins, candles, and as many other “shatter-proof” ornaments as you can. The centerpiece on your living room table is one of the most important elements of holiday décor and should be rethunk and reset weekly — even a basket full of pinecones will do.
2. Spruce up the Couch
Just like with ornaments, it’s impossible to have too many pillows and blankets out. You want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will attract family and friends for fun and holiday spirits. With this in mind, break out the festive cushions and holiday blankets. Even just a few thick blankets tucked away in a corner of the sofa send a powerful message about the seasons.
3. Make it Merry and Make it a Holiday Activity
Decorations can cost a bundle nowadays and while the holidays are not a time to be frugal, there are certainly better places to throw your hard-earned savings. Besides, nothing brings the clan together like sitting down to produce a beautiful Cornucopia together. Invite friends and family for an afternoon of cookies, hot chocolate, and ornaments production. Faux fireplaces, Christmas villages and other interior holiday décor ideas your party can think of will make your seasons all the more memorable.
4. Keep it cozy
The weather outside may be more balmy than frightful, but the interior of your home should be just as delightful. In this case, that means setting things up to be cozy, comfy, and inviting. Set the tone for relaxing evenings with soft lights, candles, candies, cookies, and colors that scream season’s greetings.
5. Play With Festive Colors
One especially festive way to celebrate the seasons is with a color scheme or two that you can manage to switch through a couple of times through the season. One way to make it festive is use find some cheery holiday lights and lamps from your local lighting shops.
It really doesn’t take too much effort to arrange and display the decorations you have on hand by colors, white, red, and royal blue are popular. But you can choose how to apply this in your living room. Then, you can use ingenuity and creativity to fill in the holes. With time, this delightful festive tradition can be a hallmark of your family’s festive cheer.